Tree Removal & Recycling

Sale price Price $40.00 Regular price Unit price  per 


How to order:  Please purchase the tree removal in a separate transaction from your tree delivery. A limitation of our software is that you can only schedule 1 appointment at checkout, which is why you cannot purchase it in the same transaction as your tree delivery.


The clean and green Christmas cleanup! We hate to see Christmas trees ends up in landfills at the end of the season so we decided to offer a tree removal and recycling service. 

We will take your tree out of the stand, wrap it in our surf board bag or a large sheet to avoid shedding needles all over your home, and take it to be recycled. Your Christmas tree will either be composted or taken to the Jersey shore to help prevent beach erosion. 

*Please make sure all decorations and lights are removed from your tree prior to your appointment.